Category Archives: Bootcamp

Swinton fitness bootcamp – results from Kate

Kate has had some fantastic results at Bodyfit Academy – Manchester Bootcamp, which is a bootcamp in Swinton. Watch her video below then apply for our 28 day body transformation programme below the video.

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” youtube_force_hd=”hd1080″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1tUExJb001NDM3TQ==[/video_player]

Click HERE or the image below for more info and to apply for our 28 day body transformation programme.

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Michelles results from fitness bootcamp manchester

Michelle has had some fantastic results at Bodyfit Academy, which is a bootcamp in Swinton. Watch her video below then apply for our 28 day body transformation programme below the video.

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” youtube_force_hd=”hd1080″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj0tYWRJM3ZOblJQNA==[/video_player]

Click HERE or the image below for more info and to apply for our 28 day body transformation programme.

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Indoor Bootcamp Manchester – Amy’s Results

Amy has had some fantastic results at Bodyfit Academy, which is a bootcamp in Swinton. Watch her video below then apply for our 28 day body transformation programme below the video.

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” youtube_force_hd=”hd1080″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1aYVJrTUpnTXFWWQ==[/video_player]

Click HERE or the image below for more info and to apply for our 28 day body transformation programme.

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Emma Got Results With Bootcamp In Swinton

Emma has had some fantastic results at Bodyfit Academy in Swinton. Watch her video below then apply for our 28 day body transformation programme below the video.

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” youtube_force_hd=”hd1080″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1Ha0JEODdURWNwQQ==[/video_player]

Click HERE or the image below for more info and to apply for our 28 day body transformation programme.

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Do this. And Lose Weight In Swinton.

You probably know there is more than one way to get in shape, right?

Otherwise there wouldn’t be tons of different diets and programmes out there.

If there was only ONE way to do it, there would just be one.

Well, I should probably clarify.

There is only one way to actually DO it, but multiple methods and implementation strategies.

See, it comes down to effective exercise and supportive nutrition to get results. Thats it.

And there are different ways of approaching that. Because there isn’t a ‘one size fits all plan’ that everybody could just use to get results.

Because we all respond to things differently. Both physiologically (<— spell check went crazy at me for that initially) and also mentally.

And although there may be many different methods, there are only very FEW principles you need to follow.

And you don’t even have to get everything perfect, not unless you’re looking to get to a super low body fat level where you can see every single muscle poking out and have like 0% body fat. Obviously then you would need to get super strict. But thats not really the aim, right?

Anyway, the main thing I want to get across is that I don’t want you to get overwhelmed.

THE best way to get results is by keeping it simple.


Coz it means you will likely have a much higher level of adherence (another posh word, I’m on a roll).

And its really the simple things that work the best. But often people think that in order to get in shape they have to discover this magic formula thats really complex and difficult to follow.

When in reality, the simple things done well, and consistently will always get results over and over again. While everybody else is pissing around with other stuff like boring meals, 200 calories a day, shakes, pills and other faddy things that is just a waste of time and money.

You just need to enjoy your nutrition and training. And dial in the simple things.

Ben Hanbridge

Click here to see more about our bootcamp in Swinton.

Bootcamp Buile Hill

Are you looking for a Bootcamp in Buile Hill?

Bodyfit Academy is a bootcamp near Buile Hill which helps women get their body by melting fat and tonging up…FAST.

We help clients by taking them through the exact training they need to do for getting the best results. We also provide nutrition information to follow to guarantee results too, and help you work through it by assessing your food diary and helping you work though anything you might be struggling with.

See below for some of the results from our program which is a bootcamp near buile hill…

Click HERE to find out more about Bodyfit Academy and our programme…


Bootcamp Roe Green

Are you looking for a Bootcamp Roe Green?

Bodyfit Academy is a fitness bootcamp at Roe Green which will help you with your fat loss and fitness struggles. We use a tried and tested system, our ‘Rapid Fat Loss Formula’ which enables us to get predictable and replicable weight loss results with clients.

Our typical client is a women with 2 children who has tried many different things in the past to lose weight, with some of them working for a while but then caused them to pile the pounds back on. We help people to finally drop weight and keep it off long term with our unique fat melting system.

Either you get results at our fitness bootcamp at Roe Green, or you don’t pay. It is as simple as that!

See below for some of the results from our program which is a bootcamp near Roe Green…

Apply below for our 28 day transformation programme with Bodyfit Academy and we will be in touch to have a chat about your goals.

Bootcamp Eccles

Are you looking for a Bootcamp Eccles?

Bodyfit Academy is a local bootcamp near Eccles. We work with you to help you to reach your goals. We will be holding your hand every step of the way to make sure we walk you right the way through it.

We will do this using our short and effective training sessions, our ‘eat as much as you like’ clean eating plan, our coaching along the way and also the help from fellow weight loss members of our bodyfit academy family. Social support is massively important for weight loss, doing it as part of a group makes it much easier than going at it alone.

For more info about our bootcamp near Eccles and to see more of our success stories then just head on over to our main website for more information using one of the links on this page.

See below for some of the results from our program which is a bootcamp near Eccles…

Click below to find out more about Bodyfit Academy and our programme.

visit the bodyfit academy website

Bootcamp Wardley

Are you looking for a Bootcamp Wardley?

Bodyfit Academy is a weight loss bootcamp in Wardley. In fact, we don’t like to call it a bootcamp. Bootcamps usually bring up a different type of image. Things like crawling in the mud and having a crazy guy with big army boots and a whistle screaming at you to do 10 more reps.

Well, we are NOT that.

We use scientifically proven workouts to set your metabolism on fire to ensure you get the maximum benefit out of sessions and to make sure you are burning calories for up to 48 hours after the workout. We combine this with our unstoppable clean eating plan to get the best results possible, which does NOT involve counting calories or starving yourself.

For more info about our fat loss and fitness bootcamp in Wardley then head on over to our site using one of the links on this page or below.

See below for some of the results from our program which is a bootcamp near Wardley…

Click below to find out more about Bodyfit Academy and our programme.

visit the bodyfit academy website