Category Archives: Tyldesley

Bootcamp Tyldesley

Are you looking for a Bootcamp Tyldesley?

Bodyfit Academy is a bootcamp near Tyldesley that combines weight loss and nutrition to ensure the best results.

We do this by taking you on a 28 day journey, which will involve a number of things including training, meal plans and support every step of the way. If you follow the training and nutrition program and are still not happy with your results, then we will refund every single penny of your money back!

Bodyfit Academy is for both men and women who have tried all sorts of crazy diets, clubs and slimming pills that simply have not got you the body you desire.

See below for some of the results from our program which is a bootcamp near Tyldesley…

Click below to find out more about Bodyfit Academy and our programme.

visit the bodyfit academy website