Read this.
On Monday I posted in our Bodyfit Academy clients-only Private Facebook group just asking for some feedback from our members to see WHY they came to our group vs any other ‘weight loss’ solution out there.
Have a read through what some of them had to say (I’ve blurred out names as it was posted in our private members only group – while i’m sure they would all be cool with me sharing this i’m kinda lazy and its quicker to blur than to check).
Its a long image so might show up pretty small – hopefully you can click the image and ZOOM in, otherwise you can view the image by clicking here.
And for any guys reading this.. you’ll still get some insight and benefit from reading what the ladies had to say.
The guys only group is the same programme. Just its 2x per week instead of 3 as its alternate days.
I hope that you enjoyed reading some of the things there as I know some people are a little scared to take the plunge and apply for our group.
But I can assure you that the group is full of AMAZING people.
Some who have been coming a long time. Some who have been here a month or two. And some who are brand new, like you.
And just in case you missed my email the other day on Wednesday… here it is again:
Today I’m doing something I hardly ever do.
If you’ve been getting my emails for a while (or read some of them that i’ve posted up on here more recently) then you know by now I send out emails that contain “infotainment”.
I’ll put in a little lesson, tip or bit of value, alongside some entertainment. With a ‘next step’ for those who want more help.
I don’t often just sent out “buy my shit” emails that are nothing but promotional.
But today I have a straight up pitch for you.
Because I know how great our programmes are and how much they help people. I know i’m bias, but ask any of our members or people who have done our programme and they’ll tell you.
Hit one of the following links below to find out more about our next available programme:
If you’re a woman: Our next female-only 28 day program kicks off 6th Feb.. click here for more info or to apply:
And if you’re a guy: Our guys-only 6 week program kicks off the next day on 21st Feb.. click here for more info or to apply:
If you’ve never done our programme before then APPLY on one of the links above and one of my team (Rachael) will get in touch to have a chat about your goals to see IF we can help you.
And if you HAVE done it before and you want to jump back in then message me as you don’t need to apply again.
Speak soon
Ben Hanbridge