There was blood everywhere..
On Saturday I went giving blood for the first time.
No idea why its taken me so long but im on it now.
There was blood in little bags everywhere.
I am pretty certain they are not using it for the NHS though.
I am convinced there is some sort of secret criminal vampire empire running the show and drinking it all or something.
Anyway, I was kinda shitting myself.
I haven’t got a phobia of needles or anything, but having needles jabbed into my vein and experiencing some arm pain is not my idea of fun.
I wanted to talk myself out of it, but didn’t.
Because it would have been more painful for me to NOT do it.
Let me say that again.
The pain of doing it would have been LESS than pain of NOT doing it.
And I don’t just mean physical pain.
Lemme explain.
Sure it might bring a little pain in my arm giving blood, but the pain of not doing it i.e. emotional pain would have been more.
I would have kicked myself for weeks. And felt pissed off.
So I just went and did it. Turns out it was completely fine and hardly felt anything at all.
And this is the exact reason some people get in shape and others don’t.
Some people associate more ‘pain’ with following a training and nutrition plan than not having the results they want.
Look, whatever you do you’re gonna experience some sort of pain.
The ‘pain’ you experience when it comes to getting in shape may be from giving up time, sometimes physical soreness when you first start, financial pain coz’ it costs money to do a programme.
And for some people that pain is BIGGER than the pain of not getting the results they want.
Getting healthier, leaner, more confident, more toned, being able to wear the clothes you want.
In order for you to get in shape…
The pain of not having the body you want needs to be bigger than the pain of doing the stuff you need to do in order to get it.
Make sense?
So what would you find more painful?..
Doing the stuff you need to do to get in shape?
Or not having the body you want and staying where you are right now?
Speak soon
Ben Hanbridge
P.S. I plan to have Bodyfit Academy fully booked this month.
If you want to experience results like nothing you have ever seen before…
You can apply for our upcoming programme that starts in 21 days today.
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